Finally, after months of stress, ‘Long Road to Nowhere: The Lost Years of Richard Trevithick (Part One)’ is out now. This blog post comes belatedly as I have actually had the books in my possession for two weeks, but the frantic rush to send out the backlog of orders and a well deserved holiday meant…

  • Waiting (im)patiently

    I spoke too soon. The first batch of books, so I was told, was supposed to be in my hands last Friday (24th May). As per my last blog post, I thought the hard bit was over but I am still waiting (im)patiently and growing increasingly frustrating by the lack of communication from the printing…

  • The reality of self-publishing (part one)

    Only now do I realise the immensity of this undertaking, bypassing normal publishing and Amazon KDP to do EVERYTHING myself.