Update (getting there)

After interminable delays (most of which were my fault) the book is finally with the printer and the current despatch date they have given me is the 24th May.

I bought a bottle of rum to celebrate this on Wednesday but it still feels inauspicious, because I’m a perfectionist and certain parts of the design were rushed. My own incompetence got in the way far too often. But nevertheless I am proud of what I have achieved in recent months. From an unfinished manuscript to physical book in under three months is a success, but never again would I give myself so little time to do something that means so much to me.

This is a distinctly Cornish book; on the theme of the most famous Cornishman of them all (Trevithick) written by a new but extremely patriotic Cornishman (me). Everything, bar two of the illustrations, was sourced from within Cornwall. The cover was designed by my friend and digital artist Darren, the map at the beginning tracing my route was done by Cornwall based illustrator Melanie Chadwick and the last illustration was done by Tarkus at Mythconceptions. The final touches to the typesetting/formatting were done by The Logical Choice (I did most of it myself) and printing is being done by TJ Books in Padstow. Sure, I could’ve got it cheaper by outsourcing but for my first book at least, I wanted to source everything from the place I was born and raised in, and make something I was proud of.

To everyone who has pre-ordered a copy already: thank you. And thank you again for your patience at this stressful time, those orders will be sent out at the end of May. I hope more of you will order the book when it is ready – I am already aware many people don’t trust pre-orders and that is fair enough.

Even now that the book is finished I am not taking my foot off the accelerator. I’ve got to sell them all summer now, which is an entirely different challenge. I also have my Research Master’s with the Institute of Cornish Studies to focus on, something I have callously neglected in recent months. As I begin to compile all the research on Trevithick I’ve done in the last couple of years into an academic text in the shape of a 40,000 word thesis, I am looking to share this previously unseen research in the form of a talk or presentation in various locations across Cornwall (and maybe even further afield in future). But as I have already learnt, many of these gigs need to be organised much further in advance than I anticipated.

I attended Trevithick Day last month to promote the book and it was a very rewarding experience to actually make sales and speak to people about my project in real life. Doing it online often feels like shouting into the void of apathy and disinterest. This in person approach is something I want to continue with the presentations as well as promoting my book and future publications at any fairs or festivals I can find.

This will be another learning curve, but if anyone reading this has any ideas/suggestions as to where such a presentation on Trevithick in Latin America may garner some interest, please let me know, your assistance will be greatly appreciated! Likewise, for any events where book stalls are allowed.

Pre-order ‘Long Road to Nowhere: The Lost Years of Richard Trevithick (Part One)’ HERE

One response to “Update (getting there)”

  1. kensarms Avatar

    So looking forward to reading the book.

    Liked by 1 person

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